No conscription and alternative service in peacetime.
No conscription and alternative service in peacetime.
No conscription and alternative service now.
However, the right to ACS is of a declarative nature, the right to conscientious objection to military service is recognized, if a military duty is introduced. On the web-site for registration, it is reported that after the registration and recognition of fitness for military service, you can make such a statement.
In the framework of the law on universal military service, the «Alternative Service Program» also operates.
In the American society it is recognized that even in the time of full-scale hostilities that in any other country will provoke total mobilization with the production of the entire combat-ready population of the state, the citizens, declaring some of their reasons, primarily of a religious nature, will not go under bullets, bombs and rockets.
Compulsory military service became the reality of American life in 1940. In November 1940, the US Congress passed the Selective Training and Service Act, according to which all men aged 21-35 were required to undergo compulsory registration at recruiting stations. The decision on whether to serve or not serve was taken on the basis of a nationwide lottery.
World War II showed that this system works - there was only one deserter in the US armed forces for the entire period of military operations. This system remained in force in various forms until 1973.
In 1980, the system of military service was partially restored. All US male residents (both citizens and non-citizens) aged 18 to 25 are required to register for military service. This measure exists in case the Congress deems it necessary to re-establish the conscription. It is interesting that the service of women who were admitted to military service in 1901 was based and based only on voluntary principles.
No conscription and alternative service.
Professional army since 1973. There is a system of registration of potential conscripts.
There is no conscription and the issue of consciousness objection has lost its relevance.
In the United States, military personnel can refuse military service on convictions: those who wish to continue serving unarmed, makes petition for transfer to non-combat service, and those who oppose any participation in the war, receive the status of conscientious objector.
In the United States, the legal definition of a conscientious objector is written in the instruction of the Ministry of Defense No. 1300.6, which is based on the provisions of the Military Selective Service Act regarding the refusal of military service.
In accordance with this instruction, a conscientious objector is «a member who, by reason of conscientious objection, sincerely opposes participation in combatant and non-combatant military training and service in war in any form and for whom such beliefs play a significant role in his or her or her life». This category does not include persons who refuse military service «solely upon considerations of policy, pragmatism, expediency, or political views».
There is no conscription.
It was applied at different times, mainly during wars. The last time was in 1973. In 1980, the system of military service was partially restored. All US citizens male (citizens and non-citizens) aged 18 to 25 are required to enter the military register (Selective Service System). This measure exists in case the Congress deems it necessary to renew the conscription. The service of women who were admitted to military service in 1901 was based and still based only on voluntary principles.
Alternative service in the US armed forces is provided only when imposing compulsory military service.
Documented by the corresponding order of the director of the service of military service after preliminary registration and classification of conscripts by degree (categories) of suitability for military and alternative service.
Within the framework of the law on conscription, there operates the «Alternative Service Program», which contains: general provisions; subjects of alternative service, their duties, rights and responsibilities; basic civil spheres of service passage.
In particular, it says: «An alternative service is the performance of the assigned duties and the fulfillment of the assigned tasks in the civil sphere in the interests of ensuring national security, supporting public health or other areas of the civil sector as determined by the director of military service office».
Alternative service in the US armed forces is provided only with the introduction of compulsory military service and documented by the corresponding order of the director of the service of conscription.
The total duration of the alternative service is two years, but this period may be reduced, when the service is effectively carried out for at least six months.
In the United States, there is currently no compulsory conscription.
But there are laws in the country that allow the introduction or renewal of the conscription, as well as the right to conscientious objection if a military duty is introduced.
At present, all male citizens and permanent residents are obliged to register at the age of 18, although there is no compulsory military service. Non-registration may entail certain sanctions (for example, closing access to financial support to students, to Public Professional Training or to work in public institutions). Although there is no column on the registration form where it could be possible to notify about convictions, the web-site of registration inform that after the registration and recognition of fitness to military service, such a statement can be made.
In USA it is recognized that professional servicemen have the right during their service to refuse it because of their convictions. In the United States, there are two types of military servicemen’s applications for conscientious objection: the transfer to non-combat service for those who wish to continue serving without carrying weapons; and the recognition as conscientious objector - for those who deny any participation in the war.
These procedures provide for conscientious objector an opportunity to transfer to non-combat service as a compromise. In the United States, it is established that as soon as a serviceman submits an application for conscientious objection, the command must take "all measures" to entrust him with such duties that "as less as possible contradict" his convictions. Those who are still training should not receive training on the development, use or handling of light or heavy weapons or military equipment.