
The place of service of an alternative serviceman can not be further than 30 km from his place of registration or residence.



In Armenia there is no possibility of choosing the place of service.

Places of service for soldiers and sergeants-conscripts are determined by lot.


The citizen’s right to the ACS in Armenia is permissive. Applications for the passage of alternative service are accepted by the Republican Commission till 2 deadlines - May 1 and October 1 and are considered within a month. The decision is made by 2/3 of the total number of the commission.


The compulsory military service can be replaced by an alternative service, the procedure and conditions for the passage of which are established by law - «The Republic of Armenia Law on Alternative Service» (adopted on December 17, 2003, amended in 2013).

The Armenian law on the alternative civil service, which came into force on July 1, 2004, was adopted without taking into account the OSCE amendments and the requests of the believers themselves. Therefore, the alternative service is very similar to military service.

An alternative service can be carried out by an RA citizen whose «religious confession and beliefs are contradicted only by carrying, preserving and using weapons», and an alternative labor service can be carried out by that citizen of Armenia, «whose religious denomination contradicts the passage of military service in general».



Male citizens of preinduction, military age and staying on the registry in reserve, and also the female citizens having military specialty or who passed military service are considered as persons liable for call-up.The following citizens are exempt from the mandatory military service:

  • Citizens who are recognized as unsuitable for mandatory military service by the Republican Military Draft Commission because of health conditions and are withdrawn from the military register;
  • Citizens whose father or mother, or natural brother or sister have died (were killed) in the course of participating in the defence of the Republic of Armenia or serving in the armed forces or other military organizations when he is the only other male son of the family;
  • Citizens who are exempt by a decision of the Government;
  • Citizens who, before acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, have done mandatory military service in the military forces of another state; (Law of the Republic of Armenia «On Military Duty» from 1998)




Conscripts have no possibility to choose the place of civil service.

The military commissariat, on the basis of the decision made by the conscription commission, issues a consignment note of appearance in the military commissariat for departure at the place of alternative service.


2 years.


Formally, according to the first paragraph, part D (դ in Armenian) of Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Conscription: Citizens are exempted from compulsory military service by decision of the government. This means that by the decision of the government, any citizen can be released from compulsory military service. However, it is possible that the reasons for the release may be the result of arbitrary interpretation.

However, in practice, this paragraph does not apply to conscientious objectors.


According to Article 3 of the Republic Armenia Law «ON ALTERNATIVE SERVICE»: A citizen, who is subject to military conscription, has the right to pass alternative service if the passage of compulsory military service in military units, as well as carrying, maintaining, storing and using weapons, contradicts his religion or beliefs.


There is a conscription.

Only male citizens aged 18 to 27 shall be recruited into the military service and for reserve officers of the first group of up to 35 years who, after health examination, are considered fit for military service in peaceful conditions.


The Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Alternative Service" does not define the legal status of the place of labor service. The list of places for the passage of alternative service in the Republic of Armenia is established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Alternative service is allowed in state, private and public organizations.

Alternative  military  servant  shall  take  an  oath before  the  flag  of  the  Republic  of  Armenia  and assume relevant obligations.  Alternative  military  servant  shall  wear  a  military  uniform  the  form  and  procedure  of  wearing whereof shall be defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.



The local, regional (in Yerevan – city level) and Republican recruitment commissions are engaged in organizing the conscription for alternative service. A conscription for an alternative service is organized and its implementation is monitored by the government body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia in the field of defense.

According to legislative changes, in 2013. the Republican Commission was established. Applications for the passage of the alternative service are received until May 1 and October 1 and are considered within a month. The decision is made by 2/3 of the total number of the commission members. It should be noted that the chairperson of the commission is necessarily a military representative.


The citizen of the RA, serving the compulsory military service can not refuse from his service and choose an alternative one. Article 51 of the RA Law on the "Passage of the Military Service" establishes the grounds for the dismissal of a serviceman from a service where there is no grounds "on the convictions of conscience and religion". Such a procedure is not regulated by law. However, alternative military service is replaced by compulsory military service, if an alternative serviceman applies to the commander of the military unit within 6 months after conscription.


The term of alternative military service is 30 months.
The term of alternative employment service is 36 months.


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